About Framless Glass Pool Fencing
Frameless Glass Pool Fence
Glass Pool Fencing For DIY.
Purchasing a glass pool fence as a DIY person is a relatively painless process. Having said that, there a few things to consider when deciding what is right for you.
Alongside working out your dimensions and panel requirements , there is also the important factors of regulation and exactly what kind of hardware is right for your needs.
Below you can find an overview of all the different pool glass panels that will get the job done for any DIY project.
If you still end up with questions or are uncertain – don’t worry! We can also provide an easy 3 step process quote for your DIY needs, if you would rather sit back and relax while we use our years of industry experience to work out the best deal for you.

Glass Pool Panels
The biggest, and arguably one of the most important parts of your new glass pool fence is indeed… the glass. Knowing exactly what to get and why can be a little daunting, so we have outlined below all the pool glass panels we sell and provided a very brief overview of how they fit in to your new pool fence.
If you still have any questions of course feel free to contact us directly and we can provide any further information you might need.

12mm Pool Glass Panels
Toughened for extra sturdiness and safety, these panels range in sizes and can be mixed together at varying lengths to make your final required length.
The panels have 2mm rounded corners for safety when working with them.

8mm Glass Pool Gates
Standard 8mm pool gates are available in widths that range from 750mm to 1000mm. They are 1200mm high, matching standard pool glass panels.
Unlike soft close gate panels, these panels are designed to work with standard hinge sets and offer no ‘softening’ when closing.

10mm Soft Close Pool Gates
These 10mm glass gate panels are designed to work with soft close hinges. These hinges can be adjusted to a desired closing speed, so the gate will not bang shut but close gently instead.
Soft close pool gates come in only 3 sizes unlike the slightly thinner 8mm standard gate.

1380mm Pool Glass Panels
These panels are ideal for people who require additional height on their pool fence. Like the standard 1200mm glass pool panel, they are 12mm with rounded corners for safety.
Widths range from 600mm to 1650mm, and increase by 50mm increments. The 1380mm range also offers 2 glass hinge panel options at 1000mm and 1400mm

Glass Pool Hinge Panels
Hinge panels are required when using a glass pool fence gate. The adjacent hinge panels purpose is to fit the one side of the hinge onto – so the accompanying gate can be attached on the other side, and hence swing.
Glass hinge panels can be fitted with either standard 180° hinge sets or soft close hinge sets when using a soft close glass gate. Hinge panels range in width from 800mm to 1800mm, with 100mm increments and a 1200mm height.

Raked Glass Pool Panels
Offering the same 12mm thickness and 2mm rounded corners for safety, raked (or stepped) glass panels have one point higher than the other. This creates an ‘angled’ look where you have to raise the height of the fence in a certain spot due to land constraints.
These panels are all 1200mm wide and offer varying ‘step’ heights between 1300mm and 1800mm, with 100mm increments.
Hardware Components
Although selecting and installing a glass pool fence is a relatively simple process, there are a few things to consider when making your purchasing choices. Below is an outline of the main elements that go into a glass pool fence to help give you an idea of what you will need.
Note that this list isn’t exhaustive, and we also offer a convenient 3 step quote process that does all the planning for you. But this will help give you a solid starting point for your DIY project.
Glass Pool Fence Spigots
Spigots come in a variety of styles and finishes. They are friction fitted – meaning no holes are required to be drilled into your glass for them to be attached.

Base Plate Spigots
Allow for more versatile fixing – as they have multiple fixing points and can be used with both concrete and decking.
Base plate spigots sit above the surface level of the ground, and as such come with a small dome cover that conceals the actual fixing.

Core Drill Spigots
Offer a very strong fixing, but require a hole to be drilled down into the concrete and then a special grout is poured to hold the spigot in place.
These spigots come with a cover ring that sits flush to the surface, around the neck of the spigot.

Insulated Spigots
Allow for the use of spigots in areas where water is within 1.2m of the spigot. We stock the premium quality Toughcoat range. Learn more about Toughcoat Spigots here.
These specially designed spigots require no earthing and are non conductive – meaning electricity will not be conducted through the spigot. They come in both a base plate and core drill preference as above.
Glass Pool Fence Hinge Sets
Hinge sets come in a variety of configurations and finishes, depending on your needs you may require a mix of these or just the one type. In general although soft close hinge set options are more expensive, they give a more premium appearance to your fence and also offer a better experience by helping the glass gate to not forcibly bang shut when being left open.

Glass to Glass Hinges
hinge sets are for when you are fixing your glass gate directly onto an adjacent panel.
They come in both a standard types, and more premium soft close types. It’s important to note that the type you need is also based on what type of glass pool gate you are using.

Glass to Wall / Post Hinges
As the name suggests – These are for when you are fixing your gate to adjoining wall or post.
There are both square and round fixing options for those who will be using a post of some kind. Certain soft close options are also available for this fixing type as well.
Glass Pool Fence Clamps
Hinge sets come in a variety of configurations and finishes, depending on your needs you may require a mix of these or just the one type. In general although soft close hinge set options are more expensive, they give a more premium appearance to your fence and also offer a better experience by helping the glass gate to not forcibly bang shut when being left open.

Glass to Glass Clamps
Clamps are friction fitted, meaning no holes are required to be drilled into your glass panel. They come in a 180° and 90° fixing and varying length depending on gap sizes.
There is both a square slimline offering along with a thicker, ‘D’ shaped format.

Glass to Wall / Post Clamps
clamps fix squarely to a wall or post as needed. There is also a round fixing option available for those using a round post.
These clamps are also friction fitted to your glass, and welded to your post – or fixed to the adjoining wall.
Glass Pool Gate Latches
Latches offer a large variety of types and finishes. Depending on your needs you may wish to have either an outswing or inswing gate. Our pool latches all meet Australian pool safety standards, and also come in a key lockable version as well

Glass to Glass Latch
latches are attached to glass gate panels and can be fixed to an adjacent glass panel. They come in both a 180° and 90° option depending on the type your pool fence requires.

Glass to Wall / Post Latch
similar to other hardware components in that they attach to the gate panel as normal, but allow for fixing to a wall or square post on the adjoining side.
Request a Quote
Not sure exactly what you need? Or maybe you do know what you need, but just don't have the time. Get in touch with us either directly or via our quote page and let us do all the heavy lifting for you!